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Poster presentations are a well-known piece in the conference world. We are seeing more and more organizations use electronic posters rather than the regular poster boards – here’s why:

Keeping Up With Current Trends

Going digital will help your meeting keep up with current trends and takes your poster sessions to a whole new level. It will add excitement and interest to the overall conference as well as ensure that your delegates feel that they are attending a high quality conference.

Benefits To Your Meeting Staff And Presenters

The benefits are endless and they not only affect your meeting staff, but your conference presenters as well. ePosters are less expensive than printed paper posters for presenters and allow them to display their presentations with minimal effort. In addition, the presenter does not need to be in attendance at the conference to present their research. There is no extra effort to your staff and most of the logistics are handled by your audio visual provider.

It Looks Cleaner

Replacing standard poster boards with ePoster screens can save space at your meeting and will make the overall esthetics more appealing to your delegates. This is also seen as a green initiative by replacing a large amount of paper for standard posters. Add a fresh new look to your conference!

Further Engagement With The Reader

With ePosters, you now have the ability to integrate videos and other multimedia into the presentation. This makes it more interactive and engaging for the reader. Additional functionalities, such as asking the author a question and sending the presentation via email, are also available, bridging the gap between the author and the reader.


The information you can take away from ePosters can be really beneficial for planning future conferences. You can pull details of searched topics/authors, number of views and interactive behavior, all of which are great details to know when planning your next conference.

As you can see, incorporating ePosters at your conference has many advantages and will only add value and profit to your meeting.

Submitted by Paul Fogerty and Marlee McElligott, Malachite Innovations and Trends Committee.

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